
As a jungler, ganking is generally your primary purpose in the early game. It is best to do a full, or near-full, clear of your jungle and then seek out potential gank opportunities. A good tactic is to secure both buffs and hit level three or four to have access to each of your basic abilities before attempting a gank. From here, and depending on what side of the map your first clear ended on, you must decide what lane to prioritize ganking. There are obviously better and worse match-ups each game and in each lane, but this will give you a basic overview of what you should be looking to do when attempting to gank top, mid, and bot lanes.

Top Lane

top down view of top lane in league of legends

Ganking top lane should be a priority early game, but should be left alone relatively shortly after that. This is because top lane is often a snowball lane, in the sense that once one person gets ahead from a gank, the other will rarely ever come back, even with additional ganks. It is also the lane farthest away from the general action and early game priorities like the dragon. An early first gank to help your own top laner secure a lane victory is great, but this lane should generally not be a priority after the first few minutes of the game.

Mid Lane

top down view of mid lane in league of legends

Mid lane is arguably the highest priority lane to gank currently in the game. Mid lane is just that, in the middle of the map, and the laner for this has the potential to transition and rotate to both top and bot equally and with ease. The champions who play in this lane are also very strong when ahead, and will again, continue getting farther ahead. The primary difference though is the fact that the mid lane is in a much better position to provide a global presence than top lane is. This lane should be constantly pressured and ganked at every opportunity possible.

Bot Lane

top down view of bot lane in league of legends

Bot lane is the odd man out when it comes to lanes. This is because of the simple fact that there are two people per team in this lane. This makes ganking generally much harder, as there is a support dedicated to keeping the area warded and also typically provides sustain or crowd control to keep them and their ADC alive and well even through a gank. Because of this situation, this lane should be only prioritized when the enemy lane is pushed extremely far up, giving you and your team the most time and lane space to fight in before they reach the safety of their tower.