Pregame Setup

Before you queue up for a game, be sure to have your runes and masteries set up, as you will only have a limited amount of time in game to choose your champion and masteries. If you do not have many rune pages, it is best to set up a general one that could be useful on any given jungler until you have more pages. Below is an example, along with what you should be looking to do with your masteries and summoner spells.


Rune Type Rune Name Quantity Reasoning
Mark rune Mark of Attack Damage x9 Attack damage marks will boost your auto attack damage versus monsters, which will be more useful early game, but is not a bad stat to have.
Seal rune Seal of Armor x9 Flat armor seals will give you a boost to early game survivability in the jungle; reducing damage from moster auto attacks.
Glyph rune Glyph of Magic Resist x9 Early ganking is a priority, so flat magic resist glyphs will boost your tankiness when ganking against AP damage dealers.
Quintessence rune Quintessence of Attack Speed x3 Attack speed in general is great to have in the jungle, as it lets you clear faster and helps when ganking to get an auto in before the enemy inevitably flashes away.


thunderlords mastery page

Masteries can be edited outside of champion select as well as within it. Since creating more of these pages is free to do, it would be best to create a few pages dedicated to up to 20 champions that you play. Having a page for each of the few champions you main, as well as a few general ones, will allow you to quickly navigate to it and select it before the game begins.

Summoner Spells

a collection of the summoner spells in League of Legends

In terms of summoner spells, as a jungler you are extremely limited to what you are able to bring. Smite is an absolute must, as to be able to get any of the jungle items or even have any sense of pressure whatsoever, smite needs to be taken. This leaves you with a single spot left. This last spot is almost always taken up by flash, a staple summoner spell in League of Legends. If you are feeling that you can compensate for not having flash, ghost or ignite would be your secondary go-to choices.